2005 中国語プロモ 冠軍競技場 バトルロードスタジアム 世界初現在このカードのPSA10は2枚存在します。こちらのカードは世界で初めてPSA10と認められたものです。2005 POKEMON CHINESE BLACK STAR PROMOS 2005 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS CHAMPIONSHIP ARENA #28 GEM MT 10 Certification Number71453706 通常は日本で開催されるが、2006 年 9 月 16 日から 18 日まで台湾のポケパークで開催された、最後から 2 番目の TCG トーナメントであるチャンピオンズ リーグ 2006 イベントの限定参加者に与えられました。 Champion’s League 2006 Champion’s League 2006 was held on September 17, 2006 for the first time in a location outside of Japan. The tournament was held at the Taiwan PokePark, which was open from June 23, 2006 to September 24, 2006. During the last week the the Taiwan PokePark was open, special promo cards were distributed each day to attendees, with audience members of the 2006 Champion’s League receiving an exclusive Chinese Championship Arena. This card was given only to those who watched the tournament. It is therefore quite rare, as most attendees of the park were there to go on rides and other attractions. レアリティ···PROMO 鑑定状況···PSA10